This Faerie house also has two windows and a door that opens but this house is slightly larger at approx 12 inches tall. The front door features a glittering green jeweled glass heart. A soft fringe of felted "grass" encircles the entire house. A dried tree fungus serves as a doorstep. Pink and purple silk flowers decorate the miniature vines that grow up along the walls of the cottage. A soft scalloped-edged felted wool roof adorns this house as well and this one also has a swirling purple spiral design felted into the mossy greens and brown roof.
The windows of this house also have the glittering gold spiral curtains inside the diamond-paned windows.
The tiny vines cover the back of the house as well. The lower level window near the front door glows brightly when the tiny battery-powered tea light is turned on... makes a perfect night light!
Here we see the front door in the open position. We can just peek inside and get a glimpse of how the Faeries might live in this adorable little cottage.
The Faerie House has arrived at its new home !!
Here it is in a much greener land !
Ahhhhh ! Home at last!